LMB Educational Consulting


Jocelyn Bigay

CEO/Lead Consultant

Jocelyn Bigay has worked at numerous levels of the secondary education system. She has served as a high school teacher, middle school assistant principal, alternative education principal, district level manager of federally funded high school dropout prevention grants, director of reconnection center, director of multi-tiered systems of support and most recently as a facilitator in the areas of Interest Based Bargaining negotiations, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion trainings and coaching school principals and executive leadership.

In her administrative roles, Jocelyn supported significant change resulting in improved outcomes for students within alternative schools and re-engagement settings as well as Tier 2 and Tier 3 students district-wide—with a positive, differential impact on students who have been historically underserved. In her role as principal of two separate culturally specific alternative high schools in the Portland area, Jocelyn led and supported a four grade level literacy increase within 18 months. At the district level, she led work to reform efforts that increased graduation rates, decreased dropout rates, increased retention rates at the reconnection center, and established now institutionalized district wide 8t​h to 9th​ grade transition programs and a credit recovery system.

Her passion lies in helping individuals and organizations alike to lead with clients at the center of the work, motivate staff to collaborate and create change and bridge communities toward strength based solutions.